
Books | Speeches | Communications

Writing from the shadows


How To Make A Million In Business

The Beckwiths are pioneers of the British travel and tourism industry and a name firmly etched into the history of the river Thames. When they sold City Cruises in 2019, it was the UK’s largest tour boat company, transporting four million passengers a year with a fleet of over 40 vessels and a group turnover of 24 million pounds.

For 18 months, I worked with founder Gary Beckwith to produce his memoirs.

From his humble beginnings to his conversations with the Queen, from the unrelenting tragedy of the Marchioness to the joys of building a lasting legacy, Gary gives a candid account of over 40 years in business.

This book is not just about how he made his millions or the visionary mindset that got him there. It’s about family, purpose, legacy, and the three generations of Beckwiths that unified an industry and shaped the future of the river Thames.

The book will be available from June 2024.

“Stuart has an uncanny ability to bring the past back to life. Working with him on the first book was such a remarkable experience we’re writing a second one together.” - Gary Beckwith.

Articles and Communications

Carlos El Asmar is the former executive creative director of NBCUniversal and the CEO and founder of Motionographer, The F5 Festival, and The Motion Awards. He is outspoken, funny, and always wears his heart on his sleeve. I spent three years helping Carlos write regular engaging content from featured articles to industry-wide communications.

"He might just be my favourite writer. I call it Stuart magic. Whatever you throw at him, he brings the magic." - Carlos El Asmar

Blogs and Thought Leadership

Nathan Angus is the founder of Wildfire - The Experience Agency.

Wildfire has the largest collection of props in Europe and is a huge player in the team-building and events market, producing global experiences for over 20 years. I’ve hosted dozens of interviews with Nathan, creating blog content for WildFire, and thought leadership pieces for Nathan to publish across all his digital platforms.

“Such an easy process. We just chat and laugh for a bit. Then he heads off and comes back a day or two later with an article that flows as effortlessly as the conversation.” - Nathan Angus.

Who the hell wants to be ghostwriter?

I never thought I’d be any good at this. I like the rewards too much. Their reactions. From belly laughing at a short story to an almost imperceptible nod as a lyric resonates. However big or small, these were the moments that kept me scribbling on a page.

With ghostwriting, it’s not about me, though; it’s all about making the other person shine. So, in that sense, you’re not getting the usual rewards, but what you are getting is something just as deep and perhaps more lasting.

A ghostwriter needs to connect with people. There has to be space created for honest conversations, so vulnerability can show and authenticity can flow. It’s about asking better questions, learning to listen to the things unsaid and having an almost built-in understanding of tone of voice.

I’ve written books, blogs, and speeches, for successful entrepreneurs and founders of multi-million-pound companies. And I’ve got to learn more in the process than I ever would have listening to another podcast or sitting in a crowded classroom. And as for those things that went unsaid, I’m still seeing the rewards of them every day.